I'm having the WORST day today! I'm blaming it on Frankenstorm...only because I like saying "Frankenstorm", not because my bad day is weather-related or anything.
It actually started last night when I couldn't fall asleep. My brain would not turn off, so I don't think I fell asleep until 4am...which makes it really hard to wake up at 7:30.
When I couldn't ignore Addy's cries any longer, I forced myself out of bed and made a beeline for the coffee maker...only to find out we were out of coffee. So I had to settle for some gross chai latte that I'd been saving for some yet-to-be determined guest that likes chai lattes. Because I don't.
Fed Addy, placed afore-mentioned chai latte on the coffee table and opened my laptop...only to find the screen had a thick white line down the middle of it. A bit of YouTubing later and I convinced myself I could fix it. The result? Err...well let's just say I'm writing this post from my iPhone.
Meanwhile, as the further destruction of my laptop was taking place, Addy decided to take my full (cold) chai latte and dump it on the carpet. Now our family room smells like chai latte. I HATE CHAI LATTES!!!
Anyway, I just needed to vent. I hope your Monday is going better than mine. Also, if you know the name of a good/cheap computer repair person in T-dot, I'd love to hear about them!